
Gu Jiyoon

community    public space    institutions    autonomy    squatting     alternative community    flexible space    
flexible participants     willing to share    omnipresent    communicative    observative    unassuming
forgotten space    misused     illegal occupy

Institutional Attributes of Space _
공동체 ( community ) 가 만들어지기 위해서는 공간과 구성원이 필요하다.
누가 ( participant ) , 어떻게 ( institution ) , 그 공간 ( space ) 을 운영하는가의 문제.

1. Flexible Public
     "What will they do, once they given a chance to produce a spatial program?"
Okin Apartment , urban renewal
from Private Space to Public Space

social network _community & individual
Institution ; Structure or Mechanism of Social order/ Cooperation
behavior of a set of individuals within a given human community
Okin Apartment
and Alternative community by squatting

Squatting is living in an empty building without permission of the owner.
Sometimes they share knowledge  about maintaining the space and contribute to making a community.

 DIY CAMPING  in Okin Apartment's Rooftop

"Is free action possible?"

Okin APT's situation 


apartments are demolishing.  
it just remained pile of rocks.

Okin Apartment as Habitation
demolishing situation ,Okin Apartment_
Now, only two buildings remain, and they will soon diappear.
This situation shows the demolishing can erase not only buildings but also community

2. Passive Public without Coummunity 

Seoul City Hall Plaza
Uneasy somebody's Eyes

3. Alternative Public

Topgol Park was the first modern Park built in Seoul. It is uncertain when it was first made,
but it is commonly believed to have been built in the 1890s.
Now, Topgole Park and around the Park's wall  become a living room for elderly people.
Topgol Park and senior people

Large Living Room

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